Why people with good handwriting tend to get Higher Marks in Exams ?
I hope this question must have come into mind of every student who was a victim of such situation.This is scientifically true ! and It has been clearly explained in the novel : "Thinking , Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman . I will just translate my findings in easier text.
"Strain experienced by the brain and Effort it puts into the task at hand are closely related. On one hand Cognitive strain is experienced when brain does some effortful job, like the strain that we file while looking at the problem 29x76 . Did you experience it just now ? Yes ! and this strain has a reciprocating effect , It tends to mobilize brain towards more engaged and analytic mode"
But if you have bad handwriting , Exactly opposite of that would happen ! You yourself will put the checker in analytical mode . So basically even your minute mistakes would be pointed out.

FACT : You didn't read the text in the second image . Can you relate it why ?
Now I want you to answer one question ?
Why is it that you tend to skip last parts of chapters of the textbooks ?
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